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The City of Washington, Indiana

A City of Pride and Progress

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Inspection 8, A 2002 Dodge Durango

Engine 8, 2000 Pierce Contender, Station 2s first out

Inspection 8, 2002 Dodge Durango
Engine 8, 2000 Pierce Contender

Brush Truck 8

Engine 82, 1984 ALF Century Pumper, Reserve Station 2

Brush Truck 8, 1964 Midwest/International
Engine 82, 1984 ALF Century

Ladder 8, 1998 E-One HP75, Station 1s First Ou

Engine 81, 1984 ALF Century Quad, Reserve Station 1

Ladder 8, 1998 E One HP75
Engine 81, 1984 ALF Century Quad

Squad 8, Ford F250 Super Duty

Engine 8

Squad 8, Ford F250 Super Duty
Engine 8

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Fire Station #1
200 Harned Ave
Washington, IN 47501
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